Sunday, February 19, 2012

One of Those Gray Sundays

The weather man/person said yesterday it was going to snow in the wee hours of today and there would be accumulation. I didn't hurt at all Friday, but late last night my body decided it was unhappy. Really unhappy. Today there isn't any snow, but the weather man/person keeps saying it's on its way. I don't know if it is rain or snow, but my body, especially my right shoulder proclaims loudly it does NOT want to be a part of my body any more. So what do I do? I take as much medication as I can and park myself in front of the computer to put words down on the novel. It would be nice if novels could write at least part of themselves, but, alas, this is not true - and frankly, if they did I might get a little creeped out.

I am actually quite pleased with the point and stage to where the novel currently stands.  I have cracked the 60,000 word mark and am pointing the novel in the ending position.  I'm not sure whether or not Book 1 will end on a cliff hanger or if it will have some sort of conclusion where a lot of loose ends will be tied up.  I am thinking not for the "loose ends" scenario.  There is a lot happening.  Book 2 will have more loose ends woven in and certain questions answered. 

Right now a lot of intrigue is happening and I am doing research for the beginning of Book 2.  It seems odd to be working on Book 1 with plans for Book 2 and research for Book 2 also happening. 

One really good thing is that I should be making my deadline for Book 1!!!  *happy dance* 

In order to facilitate the research I signed into the local library system and requested some books for research and just for pleasure reading.  A couple of people around me have gone gaga over the Dresden Files.  I remember reading the first book so I requested the first and second books of said series:  I don't want to be left out of the conversation!

The new computer is wonderful!  I love him dearly!  I didn't realize how much I wrote and used a computer until my laptop died.  Now I know I can never be without one!  Hopefully I never will have to be. 

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