Thursday, July 15, 2010

Welcome My Quiet Little Corner

Welcome all to the next installment of the little book corner of my world.  It really isn't a wild stretch of the imagination that it would be here, especially with as much reading as has been going on here of late.  Since the knitting blog should be for knitting, and The News should be for news and for qi gong and many other things, it is only right there should be a section just for books.  Plus, it is a wonderful place for me to keep track of the books I am reading, have read, and would like to read in the vastness of the publication world.

As some of you may know, the last book I was reading was this one.  Patricia Briggs and her Mercy Thompson series does not disappoint.  If you haven't read any of the books then I highly suggest you do so.  They are wonderfully adventurous with fantastic characters and scenarios that are both fantastical and yet believable. 

The character of Mercy Thompson grows from the beginning novel to this one.  She learns to love, to trust, and more than anything else she realizes just how much of a family she has around her and you, the reader pull for her to realize everything sooner than she does, and each step she takes is wonderful. 

Mercy's story is a love story, but it is a love story filled with magic and werewolves and vampires, but not the tween version that fills the movie theaters now but dangerous varieties that make you shiver if you don't know what you're doing and knowledge can be your greatest weapon as well as a curse because you just might know what could be coming next.  It is a wonderful book and I highly suggest you start at the beginning and catch up to this one.  You won't regret one page turned.  ISBN-10:  044101819X; ISBN-13:  978-0441018192

Now I am reading this book, Rule's Bride, by Kat Martin.  Sometimes Kat Martin's work leaves me smiling and other times her work makes me wonder why I even picked up the work at all; however, this book, from the very first little blurb I read in the Romantic Times Magazine to the very first chapter has kept me interested.  Yes, it isn't rocket science and it isn't going to change my life, but it is entertaining me.

Is all you're going to be reading romances? you ask.  No, my reading tastes are so eclectic I can honestly say I have no idea what I am going to be reading.  There will be some romances, of course, but it won't be the only thing that will be written about.  It will be an adventure for all concerned to see what will!

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